December 31, 2003

today has been the busy. lots of banking in the last day of the year and all. i sent out christmas presents to amy and kirsten today so watch your mail ladies. tia and i worked as a seamless team today, which was totally weird but hopefully we'll get some credit for it. they give awards and stuff to people who work well together. working here is like being in first grade where you get treats for all the good things you do except it's money instead of stickers. i'm still listening to bridget jones diary and i've started to keep a diary in the pretty indian book my mom got me last christmas. i think it's mostly due to bridget jones' influence and partly to having pointless things in my apartment and trying to stop. there for i must use all of the things in my apartment. like the pasta pots. and the waffle iron. and the bread board. sheesh. so it's oddly warm and beautiful and is not at all a bad scary winter here in maine. not to say i'd like a bad scary winter...but it just seems odd. i was expecting something so much more scary. i'm sure by april i won't have been disapointed. we have a half hour left and we're practically counting the minutes. every other bank closed at three and here we still are...with NO customers. sigh.

December 30, 2003

i might have the gift of holly on friday. life is good. i got another gift of a different vein yesterday from darling dick and mimi. an elvis t-shirt that says "I saw Elvis, he was sitting next to big foot on the UFO" annie laughed very much but i say this is war. i just have to find the right something to send. i'm not sure. oooh but i'll find it and then they'll be sorry. or something. we jsut counted a boat load of money. and my mom called me twice to tell me that i have a glasses coupon at pearl vision. which could be cool, even though i found my glasses clip. i could do with an eye exam et c. i was thinking recently about things that i remember learning. i remember miss. axton telling us in 8th grade not to confuse etc. with et cetera. i remember her saying it was two words and every one with education will think you're a moron if you write etc instead of et c. she was a ho. she was my history teacher, you'd think i'd remember some of the history she taught us but no. i remember my senior history teacher saying that karl marx would only eat meatballs day in and day out but i hardly think that's relevant to any of my historical study since. i spent the morning looking at blogs that are cooler than mine.

December 29, 2003

we did have a very relaxing weekend. and now i am very sleepy here at work because my body wants me to be on my couch. when the alarm went off i didn't understand it. i didn't get it at all and it went off from 6:30 to 7:11 for me to realize tht the stupid box wanted me to get up. in other dubass moments last night while i was waiting for annie to call me and beginning to think she was dead i realized both my phones were unplugged and there for could not ring. annie also thought i was dead during this time because the phone on her end kept ringing. jeez man, jeez. i'm so grumpy and sleepy that i charged everyone overdraft fees instead of giving them benefit of doubt. the bank will be proud of me. fortunately today tia and i aren't alone and i can leave the bank later. i'm very excited. i'm gonna go to the post office and the grocery store. oooooh. and ofcourse i brought nothing which i have to mail. there are scores of packages waiting in my home for everyone. i have cold mountain in my bag to read. my daddy gave it to me. i'll let you know if its any good.

December 26, 2003

sarah~after much hemming and hawing we decided not to go to the show on saturday. so you don't have to worry about feeling well enough to go.
i'm wondering if annie bought tickets because it is snowing like the dickens out and it doesn't look promising. course that could just be here and not blue hill. anyway call me dear if you hvaen't gotten them yet...according to your account you haven't. i'm so sneaky. cause we should check the weather. today was a beautiful example of staying home and being cozy. i left my hear on 70 from the morning and i'm feeling really quilty because i'm not there so i'll have to turn it down when i get home and bundleup because i can't stand thinking i'm wasting oil. i deserve cold when i get home. i am listening to bridget jones' diary in the car which though completely different from the movie is still quite as enjoyable and i value each. i had a very nice christmas with annie's family. really it was. they talked and laughed and carried on and there were games. t'was so much more fun than christmas at the house of passive aggresive cheer. did i tell everyone that i finally got my name plate thing for work. i was very pleased. oh and annie i have your pounds. i'm going to buy them today. it's 60 something dollars but they halved the fee because i'm an employee. am i not fabulous? also i hope everyone had a good christmas. despite your anti christmas comsumerism kirsten w i got you a present. merely because it screamed kirsten and annie and i could not resist it. however...yours and amym;s gifts are still in my living room because 1 i don't have a box to ship them in and b, even if i did i ahven't had time to go to the post office because it's been so busy my lunch isn't long enough to stand in line and today and most of the week tia and i are trapped in the bank. i hate being trapped in the bank. but i just talked to the nicest man with a 13 yearold daughter and he's doing weight watchers so he can play basketball with her. he's a single dad. he was so nice. i was impressed with his dadliness. back to work...

December 24, 2003

my dearest annie got me a christmas tree for christmas. she is just the sweetest. miss sarah i'm sorry to day we probably won't be able to pick you up for the show. we haven't gotten tickets yet either, but i think if we go we'll have to meet you in boston. i hope that's doable. let me know because we don't have tickets yet and we may or may not be able to get them till after christmas. err. so any way as i related to amy the m there have been severe santa delays in bar harbor. there was this reindeer back up all the way to the head of the island, it was wicked bad. so uhh in light of this presents forthcoming will be delayed. so it'll be a surprise. i haven't finished anything i was supposed to be making, its an elf travesty. annie and i are to have a christmas party of sorts this afternoon. she's going to put together my tree and i'm going to bake cookies for her family. and there's even a present for her...but she should wait till i get home to open it. although i've left it out to tempt her. mwahahaha. i love you!

December 19, 2003

why don't i get to have cool dreams like annie. do i get to have adventures? go through secret passages? have miraculous life changing experiences? no! i dreamed that charlotte called me and asked me to work. how weird is that? i had to think this morning, no i'm not working there anymore. it was weird and not at all cool. annie gets all the cool dreams. sheesh. but she does pamper me in my squeaky state. so far that's all that wrong with me. i'm very tired and blah and squeaky. but she lovingly says awww which makes me feel better. i made a groovy pasta salad and fresh salsa last night! and today i'm going to complete a focaccia margherita pizza for the work function. that is the one thing that could work out as a dinner option as we are always looking for dinner stuff. oooh or i could make fresh salsa for sarah and holly because they like salsa...i think. i'm having a bit of cooking frenzy. so far we've had NO customers for our little party. actually no customers at all. does everyone realize that pretty much i just sit around all day. for pay and benefits. hmm

December 17, 2003

i just saw a check from sinking spring pennsylvania. how wild is that?
i've been coughing all day and i don't know why. i really don't feel sick i'm just coughing. cough cough. i think i'll have soothing soup for lunch.

December 16, 2003

annie is right i never did tell everyone about our weekend. first of all we had to get up really early which was no fun but the bus wasn't so bad and there were two movies to watch. then annie's cousin met us and he didn't talk to us and we didin't talk to him and then we went out into cold boston. we were bery hungry and since the olny spot i know really well is harvard square i took annie there for lunch. and we walked around harvard and were very smart. and cold. even though i made annie pack her long johns, we never put them on...errr. anyway then holly came to rescued us from boston common in her civic shaped chariot and we went to the science museum which was way more fun with annie and holly than any field trip i took there. and then we ate. and then we walked a long ass way in the cold to the fleet center where we and ten thousand other people watched simon and garfunkel and the everly brothers play for like 3 hours. they played every damn song they know, and mrs robinson twice. meanwhile we should rent that movie...whatever it was called. and then we went home nd all was good. it was overall a very good weekend. and the bus though expensive was relatively comfortable and easier than driving into boston.
good morning! it's really a very nice day out except that i had to melt my doors with hot water and all of my steps were iced over. i do have to get some salt or something that melts ice. annie would like to go to jess klein for christmas on the 27th if the weather is good. the problem is the tickets are non refundable so we have to be able to go, as in no snow. but it would be fun sarah if you wanted to come. caribou got 27 inches of snow, dude that's alot of snow. ooh and there were cute little tiny foot prints on my porch this morning. i think it was a squirrel because it looked like he hopped off a tree, and hopped back to the tree after his romp. there were also cute cat feet on my car. cute foot prints make my day. things that also make my day are making a gingerbread house with annie. we have big plans, she's never made one before and i'm very excited. i see necco roof shingles and frosting snow in our future.

December 15, 2003

shovelled all morning, and then it started raining. car got stuck, driveway not plowed. got to work, very late. am very wet, very cold, but not dead so i am grateful.

December 12, 2003

i would like to thank dearest annie who cleaned up my apartment and painstakingly washed all of my dishes. and in thanks of her good deeds i publicly recant my calling of her as whiney. please forgive the discourtesy.

December 11, 2003

patience is a virtue. patience is a virtue.

December 10, 2003

i may have to kill tia today. it's my birthday, she should try not to be so annoying. when i came in she was talking mikey's ear off and mikey was desperately trying to start a conversation with me to save herself. it was very amusing. my mom left my horoscope on my phone this morning, she's the cutest. tia just said something about not understanding foreigners. she has a lisp and a maine accent and has the most unintelligible speech i've ever heard. try to imagine someone speaking with a lisp and a maine accent who sings christmas carols in a falsetto. mhmm. yeah. it's foggy and quite beautiful, but if one was going to visit bar harbor today they should be careful driving in case it's foggy. but it probably won't be foggy by the time someone might get up.

December 09, 2003

good morning! it was fun not working these 4 days. it was a pain in the ass getting up this am. but i have a new book to look forward to at the library and maybe birthday love in the mail. also there's the employee recognition day in january. they're renting everyone a room in a fancy resort. maybe i'll go if annie wants to be my family. we could bring princess with us. hehe. i'm not really studying for the gre and i told my mom i was. i'm a bad amy. i should really do that. huh. yeah. probably. they keep playing beach boy christmas songs over and over. it's inhumane. me please...

December 07, 2003

the storm was not so bad. snowy yes, but otherwise uneventful. i did my first shoveling of the year which i was quite excited about. that was my big activity for the day. the power never ecen flickered although all of my light bulbs, well not all, but 3 have gone out and i can't get in to replace them. so it's very dark. i think i will make a proposition to annie to help me have light in exchange for cookies. nothing much else to say..

December 06, 2003

well i was planning to go home this weekend but there is a wicked snowstorm and so i'm home. it still isn't snowing, but it is a little forboding. annie is feeling better and we went to see love actually which was really quite fun. on the upside i get to work today and earn a higher living wage.

December 04, 2003

good morning lovelies! i'm celebrating that tomorrow i don't have to come to work but i'll be paid anyway! rock on. so. i spent the wole day so far typing and thus i am reluctant to type further but look at me go. i've been typing labels for the christmas cards. i earned points from the loan guy because i could discuss mail merge databases and applications with the best of them. talk about marketable skills. i'm also celebrating that annie is coming home today and i won't have to be solely responsible for my own entertainment anymore. and also my birthday is coming up and people keep reminding me and it's exciting. i keep forgetting and then someone reminds me and i get a little thrill. on the down side i have to go to the store again tonight because i couldn't fix the computer yesterday. my brain just wasn't in the mood. so today i'll give it another shot. and stay long enough to get paid, hopefully. i'm tiring of christmas music. it's rapidly becoming a medical condition. rashes, burning, more celin christmas carols, please no.

December 03, 2003

annie-i'm off to island artisans...will be back at 5 probably incase you call and i'm not home.
i'm researching recipes for the banks open house. i'm going to make salsa and atleast one vegetarian item for me to eat at any rate. tia has been standing behing me and yakking about her boyfriends car accident to every customer. i screwed up three transactions because i just can't think. i may have to sedate her. charlotte came in to ask me to fix the store computer after work. it's good for atleast five bucks i say. i sent folks mail, sarah did you get your bread? have a good night all!

December 02, 2003

hello all. i didn't blog today at the bank which is weird for me. there was even news. tia's fiance had a car accident this am and so tia wasn't in. although she did call with updates. he's not really hurt which sucks because it could have kept him home. so in other things to report i read a very good book today called Angry housewives who eat bon bons. it's like the yaya sisterhood but better, so read it. holly has promised to come visit me. actually she wants to hide from her family and she told me i can't back out on her...hello, i'm dying for visitors. i shall hollyknap her if she doesn't come. that'll show her. i dropped my change holder thing about three times today and i thought my supervisor was going to laugh herself into an aneurism. what did laura say about dropping lots of things, it meant you were pregnant. i'm not sure about that but i'm definitely something. i'm all excited to go to the library tomorrow. i couldn't go today because tia wasn't here...but tomorrow...i heart the library and the library ladies are so cute. i keep listening to anchored down in anchorage and i think of my sarah. it was our song. hehehe

December 01, 2003

good morning all. i spent my weekend sewing and baking like the little stepford wife i am. annie is desperately sick in md, as is her mom so who knows when they'll be back. poor thing. sarah expect a package in the next few days. i stocked up on canned goods for winter...i guess i should have gotten more candles too, and kitty litter. things to remember. i miss annie and all of you guys. amy mas if you're reading i tried to call you but i couldn't get through. but i'm not really sure if annie's still going to hood because she's so sick. just wondering where you guys are and if everythings ok.
in other news i wore my retainers last night for the first time in a really long time. the top ones were fine but my bottom teeth have been mamboing all over my mouth. oww! i hate to end this exciting blog but i must be off. to do more banking. hmph