December 31, 2003

today has been the busy. lots of banking in the last day of the year and all. i sent out christmas presents to amy and kirsten today so watch your mail ladies. tia and i worked as a seamless team today, which was totally weird but hopefully we'll get some credit for it. they give awards and stuff to people who work well together. working here is like being in first grade where you get treats for all the good things you do except it's money instead of stickers. i'm still listening to bridget jones diary and i've started to keep a diary in the pretty indian book my mom got me last christmas. i think it's mostly due to bridget jones' influence and partly to having pointless things in my apartment and trying to stop. there for i must use all of the things in my apartment. like the pasta pots. and the waffle iron. and the bread board. sheesh. so it's oddly warm and beautiful and is not at all a bad scary winter here in maine. not to say i'd like a bad scary winter...but it just seems odd. i was expecting something so much more scary. i'm sure by april i won't have been disapointed. we have a half hour left and we're practically counting the minutes. every other bank closed at three and here we still are...with NO customers. sigh.

December 30, 2003

i might have the gift of holly on friday. life is good. i got another gift of a different vein yesterday from darling dick and mimi. an elvis t-shirt that says "I saw Elvis, he was sitting next to big foot on the UFO" annie laughed very much but i say this is war. i just have to find the right something to send. i'm not sure. oooh but i'll find it and then they'll be sorry. or something. we jsut counted a boat load of money. and my mom called me twice to tell me that i have a glasses coupon at pearl vision. which could be cool, even though i found my glasses clip. i could do with an eye exam et c. i was thinking recently about things that i remember learning. i remember miss. axton telling us in 8th grade not to confuse etc. with et cetera. i remember her saying it was two words and every one with education will think you're a moron if you write etc instead of et c. she was a ho. she was my history teacher, you'd think i'd remember some of the history she taught us but no. i remember my senior history teacher saying that karl marx would only eat meatballs day in and day out but i hardly think that's relevant to any of my historical study since. i spent the morning looking at blogs that are cooler than mine.

December 29, 2003

we did have a very relaxing weekend. and now i am very sleepy here at work because my body wants me to be on my couch. when the alarm went off i didn't understand it. i didn't get it at all and it went off from 6:30 to 7:11 for me to realize tht the stupid box wanted me to get up. in other dubass moments last night while i was waiting for annie to call me and beginning to think she was dead i realized both my phones were unplugged and there for could not ring. annie also thought i was dead during this time because the phone on her end kept ringing. jeez man, jeez. i'm so grumpy and sleepy that i charged everyone overdraft fees instead of giving them benefit of doubt. the bank will be proud of me. fortunately today tia and i aren't alone and i can leave the bank later. i'm very excited. i'm gonna go to the post office and the grocery store. oooooh. and ofcourse i brought nothing which i have to mail. there are scores of packages waiting in my home for everyone. i have cold mountain in my bag to read. my daddy gave it to me. i'll let you know if its any good.

December 26, 2003

sarah~after much hemming and hawing we decided not to go to the show on saturday. so you don't have to worry about feeling well enough to go.
i'm wondering if annie bought tickets because it is snowing like the dickens out and it doesn't look promising. course that could just be here and not blue hill. anyway call me dear if you hvaen't gotten them yet...according to your account you haven't. i'm so sneaky. cause we should check the weather. today was a beautiful example of staying home and being cozy. i left my hear on 70 from the morning and i'm feeling really quilty because i'm not there so i'll have to turn it down when i get home and bundleup because i can't stand thinking i'm wasting oil. i deserve cold when i get home. i am listening to bridget jones' diary in the car which though completely different from the movie is still quite as enjoyable and i value each. i had a very nice christmas with annie's family. really it was. they talked and laughed and carried on and there were games. t'was so much more fun than christmas at the house of passive aggresive cheer. did i tell everyone that i finally got my name plate thing for work. i was very pleased. oh and annie i have your pounds. i'm going to buy them today. it's 60 something dollars but they halved the fee because i'm an employee. am i not fabulous? also i hope everyone had a good christmas. despite your anti christmas comsumerism kirsten w i got you a present. merely because it screamed kirsten and annie and i could not resist it. however...yours and amym;s gifts are still in my living room because 1 i don't have a box to ship them in and b, even if i did i ahven't had time to go to the post office because it's been so busy my lunch isn't long enough to stand in line and today and most of the week tia and i are trapped in the bank. i hate being trapped in the bank. but i just talked to the nicest man with a 13 yearold daughter and he's doing weight watchers so he can play basketball with her. he's a single dad. he was so nice. i was impressed with his dadliness. back to work...

December 24, 2003

my dearest annie got me a christmas tree for christmas. she is just the sweetest. miss sarah i'm sorry to day we probably won't be able to pick you up for the show. we haven't gotten tickets yet either, but i think if we go we'll have to meet you in boston. i hope that's doable. let me know because we don't have tickets yet and we may or may not be able to get them till after christmas. err. so any way as i related to amy the m there have been severe santa delays in bar harbor. there was this reindeer back up all the way to the head of the island, it was wicked bad. so uhh in light of this presents forthcoming will be delayed. so it'll be a surprise. i haven't finished anything i was supposed to be making, its an elf travesty. annie and i are to have a christmas party of sorts this afternoon. she's going to put together my tree and i'm going to bake cookies for her family. and there's even a present for her...but she should wait till i get home to open it. although i've left it out to tempt her. mwahahaha. i love you!

December 19, 2003

why don't i get to have cool dreams like annie. do i get to have adventures? go through secret passages? have miraculous life changing experiences? no! i dreamed that charlotte called me and asked me to work. how weird is that? i had to think this morning, no i'm not working there anymore. it was weird and not at all cool. annie gets all the cool dreams. sheesh. but she does pamper me in my squeaky state. so far that's all that wrong with me. i'm very tired and blah and squeaky. but she lovingly says awww which makes me feel better. i made a groovy pasta salad and fresh salsa last night! and today i'm going to complete a focaccia margherita pizza for the work function. that is the one thing that could work out as a dinner option as we are always looking for dinner stuff. oooh or i could make fresh salsa for sarah and holly because they like salsa...i think. i'm having a bit of cooking frenzy. so far we've had NO customers for our little party. actually no customers at all. does everyone realize that pretty much i just sit around all day. for pay and benefits. hmm

December 17, 2003

i just saw a check from sinking spring pennsylvania. how wild is that?
i've been coughing all day and i don't know why. i really don't feel sick i'm just coughing. cough cough. i think i'll have soothing soup for lunch.

December 16, 2003

annie is right i never did tell everyone about our weekend. first of all we had to get up really early which was no fun but the bus wasn't so bad and there were two movies to watch. then annie's cousin met us and he didn't talk to us and we didin't talk to him and then we went out into cold boston. we were bery hungry and since the olny spot i know really well is harvard square i took annie there for lunch. and we walked around harvard and were very smart. and cold. even though i made annie pack her long johns, we never put them on...errr. anyway then holly came to rescued us from boston common in her civic shaped chariot and we went to the science museum which was way more fun with annie and holly than any field trip i took there. and then we ate. and then we walked a long ass way in the cold to the fleet center where we and ten thousand other people watched simon and garfunkel and the everly brothers play for like 3 hours. they played every damn song they know, and mrs robinson twice. meanwhile we should rent that movie...whatever it was called. and then we went home nd all was good. it was overall a very good weekend. and the bus though expensive was relatively comfortable and easier than driving into boston.
good morning! it's really a very nice day out except that i had to melt my doors with hot water and all of my steps were iced over. i do have to get some salt or something that melts ice. annie would like to go to jess klein for christmas on the 27th if the weather is good. the problem is the tickets are non refundable so we have to be able to go, as in no snow. but it would be fun sarah if you wanted to come. caribou got 27 inches of snow, dude that's alot of snow. ooh and there were cute little tiny foot prints on my porch this morning. i think it was a squirrel because it looked like he hopped off a tree, and hopped back to the tree after his romp. there were also cute cat feet on my car. cute foot prints make my day. things that also make my day are making a gingerbread house with annie. we have big plans, she's never made one before and i'm very excited. i see necco roof shingles and frosting snow in our future.

December 15, 2003

shovelled all morning, and then it started raining. car got stuck, driveway not plowed. got to work, very late. am very wet, very cold, but not dead so i am grateful.

December 12, 2003

i would like to thank dearest annie who cleaned up my apartment and painstakingly washed all of my dishes. and in thanks of her good deeds i publicly recant my calling of her as whiney. please forgive the discourtesy.

December 11, 2003

patience is a virtue. patience is a virtue.

December 10, 2003

i may have to kill tia today. it's my birthday, she should try not to be so annoying. when i came in she was talking mikey's ear off and mikey was desperately trying to start a conversation with me to save herself. it was very amusing. my mom left my horoscope on my phone this morning, she's the cutest. tia just said something about not understanding foreigners. she has a lisp and a maine accent and has the most unintelligible speech i've ever heard. try to imagine someone speaking with a lisp and a maine accent who sings christmas carols in a falsetto. mhmm. yeah. it's foggy and quite beautiful, but if one was going to visit bar harbor today they should be careful driving in case it's foggy. but it probably won't be foggy by the time someone might get up.

December 09, 2003

good morning! it was fun not working these 4 days. it was a pain in the ass getting up this am. but i have a new book to look forward to at the library and maybe birthday love in the mail. also there's the employee recognition day in january. they're renting everyone a room in a fancy resort. maybe i'll go if annie wants to be my family. we could bring princess with us. hehe. i'm not really studying for the gre and i told my mom i was. i'm a bad amy. i should really do that. huh. yeah. probably. they keep playing beach boy christmas songs over and over. it's inhumane. me please...

December 07, 2003

the storm was not so bad. snowy yes, but otherwise uneventful. i did my first shoveling of the year which i was quite excited about. that was my big activity for the day. the power never ecen flickered although all of my light bulbs, well not all, but 3 have gone out and i can't get in to replace them. so it's very dark. i think i will make a proposition to annie to help me have light in exchange for cookies. nothing much else to say..

December 06, 2003

well i was planning to go home this weekend but there is a wicked snowstorm and so i'm home. it still isn't snowing, but it is a little forboding. annie is feeling better and we went to see love actually which was really quite fun. on the upside i get to work today and earn a higher living wage.

December 04, 2003

good morning lovelies! i'm celebrating that tomorrow i don't have to come to work but i'll be paid anyway! rock on. so. i spent the wole day so far typing and thus i am reluctant to type further but look at me go. i've been typing labels for the christmas cards. i earned points from the loan guy because i could discuss mail merge databases and applications with the best of them. talk about marketable skills. i'm also celebrating that annie is coming home today and i won't have to be solely responsible for my own entertainment anymore. and also my birthday is coming up and people keep reminding me and it's exciting. i keep forgetting and then someone reminds me and i get a little thrill. on the down side i have to go to the store again tonight because i couldn't fix the computer yesterday. my brain just wasn't in the mood. so today i'll give it another shot. and stay long enough to get paid, hopefully. i'm tiring of christmas music. it's rapidly becoming a medical condition. rashes, burning, more celin christmas carols, please no.

December 03, 2003

annie-i'm off to island artisans...will be back at 5 probably incase you call and i'm not home.
i'm researching recipes for the banks open house. i'm going to make salsa and atleast one vegetarian item for me to eat at any rate. tia has been standing behing me and yakking about her boyfriends car accident to every customer. i screwed up three transactions because i just can't think. i may have to sedate her. charlotte came in to ask me to fix the store computer after work. it's good for atleast five bucks i say. i sent folks mail, sarah did you get your bread? have a good night all!

December 02, 2003

hello all. i didn't blog today at the bank which is weird for me. there was even news. tia's fiance had a car accident this am and so tia wasn't in. although she did call with updates. he's not really hurt which sucks because it could have kept him home. so in other things to report i read a very good book today called Angry housewives who eat bon bons. it's like the yaya sisterhood but better, so read it. holly has promised to come visit me. actually she wants to hide from her family and she told me i can't back out on her...hello, i'm dying for visitors. i shall hollyknap her if she doesn't come. that'll show her. i dropped my change holder thing about three times today and i thought my supervisor was going to laugh herself into an aneurism. what did laura say about dropping lots of things, it meant you were pregnant. i'm not sure about that but i'm definitely something. i'm all excited to go to the library tomorrow. i couldn't go today because tia wasn't here...but tomorrow...i heart the library and the library ladies are so cute. i keep listening to anchored down in anchorage and i think of my sarah. it was our song. hehehe

December 01, 2003

good morning all. i spent my weekend sewing and baking like the little stepford wife i am. annie is desperately sick in md, as is her mom so who knows when they'll be back. poor thing. sarah expect a package in the next few days. i stocked up on canned goods for winter...i guess i should have gotten more candles too, and kitty litter. things to remember. i miss annie and all of you guys. amy mas if you're reading i tried to call you but i couldn't get through. but i'm not really sure if annie's still going to hood because she's so sick. just wondering where you guys are and if everythings ok.
in other news i wore my retainers last night for the first time in a really long time. the top ones were fine but my bottom teeth have been mamboing all over my mouth. oww! i hate to end this exciting blog but i must be off. to do more banking. hmph

November 30, 2003

mr heatman has fixed my heat this am which is a beautiful thing because it was 51 this morning. but now it's rising! yay. i slept through all the really cold parts. so now it's warm again. and life is good.

November 28, 2003

i forgot...yesterday as i was leaving my house i had this little thought pop in to my head and it went something like this. "it was the house of whores, and it became the house of horrors" who can tell me who spoke these immortal words.
hope every one had a lovely thanksgiving. myself, annie's dad and the fur family had a very nice thanksgiving. i made a pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, and her dad made this neat squash thing. we had a good time. we watched a very violent civil rights movie and football. i read my book. i had kitty love all day. and my mommy called me from michigan. i just realized that i've taken off the days annie is meant to come home, yay. tia and i are together all day with no breaks, maybe i'll go hide in the bathroom if something goes amiss. mostly i read and blog and play on the internet all day anyway. i haven't heard anything on my medical insurance but i really need to get a prescription filled so...i guess i'll just have to pay a million dollars. it hasn't snowed yet here except for a few halfass flakes one cold rainy night. not that i'm asking for snow. its just that everyday looks like snow. i don't have a shovel so i really hope it doesn't snow. maybe i should go shovel shopping tonight. or a broom, or something. and kitty litter so i don't kill myself coming down the stairs. i just granted bank clemency to two folks who were overdrawn. i paid their checks and i didn't even charge them. i'm a good soul. and i'm rambling.

November 26, 2003

"catalogues are my new porn. Check it: I'm looking at things that theoretically exist, but which I will almost certainly never have access to in this lifetime. Pour over the glossy pictures all you want - fold down the corner of the page so you can go back to your that saucy endtable, that wrought-iron bed frame, that little hussy of a chenille blanket - have you no shame, chenille blanket? You'd cover anyone."

this was stolen from because i thought it was irresistably funny

November 25, 2003

totally stealing from blog this day last year...

oh the healing power of kittens!

elvisngrcelnd: ruinization, is this a word?
IdiotProdigy: we're not sure
elvisngrcelnd: some girl in my india class said it and i
think it's not a word and it' been frustrating me all day
IdiotProdigy: you should look it up
elvisngrcelnd: she could have just said ruin,
it caused his ruin not his ruinization
elvisngrcelnd: ugh
IdiotProdigy: 20 minutes til french
elvisngrcelnd: will french be your ruinization
IdiotProdigy: 20 minutes til doom
IdiotProdigy: it might
i found this very bloggable...situation: tia is telling our mailman who is a very nice 26 year old boy, about her engagement and he wished her good luck and then when the door closed behind him i heard him say you'll need it. hahaha
Good morning! it's a beautiful day in bar harbor, warm and sunny and it's november. i forgot to reset the alarm last night so i woke up at 7:26 in a state of panic. however, i was not really late, only about 4 minutes which doesn't really count. i just ordered money from brinks, how neat is that? tia can't believe they're already talking about thanksgiving...uh, it's two days away. sheesh and no marianne her wedding does not sound pretty, or tasteful, or likely but we'll see. she was looking for a closer bank to work at yesterday...secret desires come to light. we talked to sarah last night and i didn't even fall asleep. has anyone else heard about the push to collect back sales taxes from items purchased online or in catalogs. lets hope maryland doesn't get their act together or i'll be in trouble.

November 24, 2003

someone lovely came to have lunch with me..YAY! also yay for the thai restaurant that wasn't closed. i got my neat-o checks today, with the paintings on them...and i got complimentary labels. life is good. today is soft rock day...i really hate soft rock. tia is telling me all about her wedding. annie just asked me if she had told me all the details at lunch and now she did. it's going to be on new years eve, with poinsettias and pine trees with white lights. she didn't tell me all about her dress but her bridesmaids are going to have red tube top dresses with pearls sewn to them...and the men will have red bow ties. oh my. ooooh myyy.
i'm starting my work day with tia, totally bearable so far. she has a cold so she doesn't feel like chatting. mwahahaha. i left annie with pony and moosey in the nice warm house they're so lucky. maybe i'll get a christmas wreath or something, or a defective on sale tree. we watched the most bizarre show about people who get married with an unknown wedding planner, they have to choose from a good planner, a mediocre planner or a non planner and it's highly dramatic. we watched two episodes. we visited kitty at the herb shop andit was very funny. she keeps sniffing garfield but they seem amiable enough. garfield does sleep on her pedestal though...tsk tsk.

November 22, 2003

i talked to mimi for an hour last night. she's so funny. it's good that people call me because i always forget, thankfully i have a tenacious mother or she'd think i was dead always. i actually talked to amy mas the other day. it was surreal, hi amy mas! im watching the history channel and humphrey had to work his ass of to get ten guys excited while kennedy gets chased down the street by the whole nation. there's this whole kennedy special this weekend i'[m excited about. yay history channel. notice everyone that my week working with mary had involved very little bank drama. next week is a whole week with tia, just me and tia. sigh. a long ass week awaits me. i've been reading like a book a day, i think it'll get to two books a day with tia. sarah mimi says hi and she wants to call you. how busy are you this weekend? can we call?

November 20, 2003

hopefully the blog will be quicker now...we'll see. how was the apartment annie? call me at the bank. i'm going crazy with boredom.

November 19, 2003

we're doing an alarm test at work, i got to press my silent alarm. i should have gone to bed at 5:40 yesterday because now i'm tired and cranky. i sat up reading with a fervor and was a little late this am, so i didn't have breakfast which is probably more why i'm cranky. i didn't get to brush my teeth this am because the big bug came in my sink again. i don't like him. there must be somewhere better to live than my sink. it's a gloomy day, but it's really warm out. so that's good. i forgot the library items i was suppsoed to return and mary asked me what my thanksgiving plans were so today is rocking so far. i did get to meet a really rich guy though, so that's cool.

November 18, 2003

i have been screwing up all day. time for bed
tammy was late so i had to stand and post lookout until 8 this am and it was cooooold. but i'm over that now. it is extremely slow today and i think she might go insane. and i finished my book, sigh. i was trying to think of nice things to blog about. like how last night when i was going home the water looked exactly like blown glass. but then i gave myself a run in my cute tights and i wasn't happy anymore. we must find the marshalls...and toute suite(err french spelling most certainly wrong, but you get my point). and the annie thing was clearly a farce and all those comments...sheesh. i will remember to get the cow, let me know if you want anything else...

November 17, 2003

good morning all. there is no tia here this week and so what the hell am i going to write about. we're not sure. but stay tuned...there are thrills around every corner...

November 14, 2003

next installment of bank drama: tia's boyfriend proposed...but they won't get married till he comes back. she's going to take up the piano. god help us all. i have to get to work. sigh.

November 13, 2003

last night i chatted with my mom about them heckling the presidential candidates and sending blankets to iraq. she called 8 times making me think someone was dead.
i need something furry to be my friend. what do we think about hamsters? i've never had a hamster but they look cute and furry, and i did have mice. i could get him a wheel. and he could run on it. and be merry.

November 12, 2003

on a happier note i'm going to the nice patriot free library again today. i have my library designated tote all ready. i'm so excited. maybe i should go to library school like mo. it would be fun. i'll look into it. books i have to recommend to all are Eat CAke by Jeanne Ray sarah particularly will enjoy this and should stop by the library for it after classes finish. for the adventurer in us all i recommend any of the 8 books by Janet Evanovich. i"ve only thus far read the first and the last one but i have great hopes. they're about a clutsy woman bounty hunter and they're hysterical. more on that later. the librarians were very impressed with my selections and we chatted about them at great length. we got bank goodie bags today. mugs a hat and a visor, a pen, two keychains. i rock!
tia's boyfriend is going to iraq. she's overwrought because he's going to miss her birthday, again. the bastard. what was he thinking. i'm tired of the people who support the war and support the troops and get pissed off at the protestors until it's their boyfriend or whomever going to war...that's the unfair part. right. she keeps saying life is unfair. uhh gee if there were tens of thousands of iraqis patrolling our streets with guns and tanks we'd have a different perspective of what is unfair. i hate americans.

November 10, 2003

damnit this time i was dory but i screwed it up again. life sucks.

i stayed up late watching tv and annie stayed up late doing school work. we sw alot of reality decorating tv and one show where a couple's family plans their whole wedding without them. it was wild. the bank is very cold and i need muffin in a serious way. i may have to go to the muffin store. right now i'm learning how to make money off of disabled customers. its a niche in the market. errr. annie my phone battery is dead so i will call you from work around lunch time i guess. unless you have urgent banking needs. everyone here is just passing time till we go home. tomorrow being a holiday we're all pretending that we're not really here. i'm blogging, tia is in the kitchen doing homework and who knows what mary is doing at her desk. so our dedication is apparent. this am we had to photocopy money and mary told us to keep a look out incase the customers saw us. itwas hardly convincing as counterfeiting but the process made me laugh. posting a lookout by the employees is amusing. going to get a muffin.

November 07, 2003

i got a library card today and much to the chagrine of the patriot act i did not have to provide any personal information except for my address. hahaha. i'm not sure that's how you spell chagrine but oh well. two things: tia has a cold sore i'm totally not interested in getting and she is learning disabled and has alot of trouble reading...therefor she cannot spell and it isn't really her fault. however she continues to sing and touch my things with her cold sore person and so something must be done. we'll have to think of a plan of attack annie. an environmentally friendly way of making me feel safer. i'm making myself a don't touch anything sign aswell as a patience is a virtue sign for my teller station. what else...oh a note to annie holly came intoday with her doggies and a lady friend and i totally think she's a lesbiterian. for the record. i keep forgetting that we close late on fridays. bummer!
i really like my job. it's really not hard to have a grown up job. it's amazingly easy. i wish i knew how to waitress. that would be a good second job. there's a gas station hiring in trenton...i could totally sell gas and snacks to weary travelers. just kidding. i'm not ready to pick up shifts at exxon just yet. there is a limit.

November 06, 2003

things that are not cool...almost hitting a wolf or a coyote in your driveway. i'm not sure which it was but dude, it was not ok. i ran up to my apartment. like the wolf, but not. i did my laundry at annie's house, well some of it. i know have some clean clothes and will attempt a laundry mat probably this weekend sometime. i'm also watching the shining, which is probably a bad idea. but i flipped by it and i couldn't help it. now i have to watch the whole thing under a pillow. i locked my door so the wolf can't get in. i'm going to bake peanut butter cookies now. laters.
my supervisor encourages reading while atwork. how groovy is that. she said we'd all go insane and quit if we didn't read. tia doesn't read, surprise surprise, so she'll do crossword puzzles. sigh. maybe it'll improve her spelling. annie visited me. i'm going to need lots of visits. i'm finding it hard to hate this job, it's really a very nice company. and we have these two cocolate labs and a yellowish dog tht visit us everyday and we give them treats. life is good.
good morning all. at work again. wearing purple tights. i'm excited about my rights. actually i'm excited about my tights, there aren't that many rights to be excited about. as a bank professional one of my duties is to work under the patriot act. good god. i hate the patriot act. but i like the doggies that run around upstairs with thunder paws. princess was a thunder paws. annie's parents go to deer isle just to have dinner with princess, isn't that cute? if i had pictures of elton john i would totally put them up on my computer. did any one see the comercial for builder bob with co start elton john. it's very bizarre. it's almost sunny out today. it's a good thing. oh annie! we should to to cadillac this weekend for sunrise before it gets too cold. whatcha think? if anyone comes to visit we'll have to take them too. although not in january. i live the closest to the bank and i'm always late. i don't know what the deal is. i guess i have to get up earlier. i spent the morning holding my shirt over the heating vent because it wasn't quite dry. tres pathetic. i must go to annie's house and comandeer her washer tonight. annie won't mind. there is a definite laundry crisis at my house. i hate the idea but i really think i have to get some antibacterial hand stuff for work. the gross money and keyboards and phones are scary. i don't really think i'm a germaphobe but tia likes to touch all my stuff and she could be carrying all kings of yucky germs from her stinky boyfriend and who knows about the festering federal currency. so i think i must get antibacterial stuff for work. enough bank chat for now.

November 05, 2003

i deteste being treated like an idiot by an 18 yearold with a speech impediment. i know it's not her fault she talks like her mouth is full of marbles but it's driving me nuts anyway. i put up pictures of annie and kitty to counteract her rampant heterosity. heterocity. hmm. so...i like this blogging at work. there's really nothing else to do. i have no intention of attempting to make a career out of this, unlike tia who keeps talking about the people's jobs she'd like to take, and so i must enjoy myself while i can. the new rental car is so much better than the truck, it's like my car but with a cd player and a rental car smell. it's groovy. waiting for the bank to open so i can pretend to earn my pay. love you all

November 04, 2003

i lost my dyke mobile. the truck had a flat tire this morning which was traumatic. and last night i broke my favorite pair of ancient jeans getting into the damn thing which was even more traumatic. now i have a mitsubishi i think, a lancer...oooooh. it's very geo like and so much more my speed but not very butch. sigh. pretty much i sit around all day and play on the computer for pay and benefits. one can't complain. it could better if i had a place to do my laundry.

November 03, 2003

guess who's driving a massive pickup truck? that would be me. it's my rental car while mr prizm is getting fixed. a four door silverado. it's unreal. the bar harbor bank is so much cooler than ellsworth. my supervisor is really nice and tia the crazy 18 yearold is totally annoying but very sweet and very 18. i know all about her "baby" who is in the army. but anyway...the bank provides us bottled water because they don't have room for a water cooler. and i can do homework all day...but i don't have any, so i'll get a book. the day went by very quickly, even the boy at the bank is nice. i got a post office box today and my hair cut. i was so good. i even remember to pick up my truck. i wish you all could see me. oooh and i got an email from emily miller who was very surprised and she rambled on. it was so funny. she's making money playing the piano and has no friends. and i realized i can take more that 2 days off so we're going to plan a road trip. kirstens in love. what the hell happened. kirsten w is a wonder. god bless ya.

October 23, 2003

i got to meet over 100 bank employees by one. you know that was a good time. sigh. i'm going home this weekend to get some stuff. maybe even my mumma's sewing i can sew stuff. i'm sooo excited. sad about the condoms. bastard catholics.

October 21, 2003

so this weekend i moved, celebrated one year with annie, and started the new job monday. poor annie was sick but she approves of the apartment. it's very cozy. and we have beautiful roses. everyone shold plan on visiting. i'll book your appointments. banking is a bit boring...but i have paid vacation, holidays and sick time. it is exciting. i've been watching law and's just like school. i miss you all so much. come visit. come come come.

October 17, 2003

so....i've got an apartment. it's only for the winter but it's furnished and i hated apartment hunting. so. people can feel free to come visit. i was going to go home this weekend but annie is on deaths door with some awful virus , but is feeling better, anyway she fears i'll get sick while i'm home and not be able to come back. that was some atrocious sentence writing. but i don't care. i have an apartment. it even has a pullout couch bed thing. i am excited. i'm supposed to be packing and doing laundry but i'm not so much. sigh to me

October 15, 2003

i just noticed that my storm windows are down. i wonder who did that. there are always tell tale signs that someone has been upstairs. theres something different about the medicine cabinet. i've taken to leaving princess' rug art caused by her running the way it is because when someone comes upstairs they fix it and i know there was a security breach. there is no power at the moment because there is a rain and wind storm out there. i slept toolate to take a shower, now that the water is also off, so i'm sitting here dirty and i can't really leave without a. risking my life or 2. being really dirty. and so i'm stuck here. and annie is sick and i can't go take care of her. pout.

October 13, 2003

i'm going to see an apartment on tuesday. not actually in bar harbor but very near by. it's on the sound. very beautiful, you'll love it sarah...if it's nice and i take it. my mom is already shopping for me. she's crazy. kirsten wolle you won't mind if i pick up my kitchenaid when we come visit will you? i'm excited to bake like a fool this winter. car is going to get fixed and i might get to have a rental car on their insurance. won't that be cool. i think so, as long as i don't hit any deer. everyone seems rather relieved or something that i'm leaving the store. err. oh well. annie and i climbed blue hill, it was neat and very beautiful. we came down a very unsteep side and we kept waiting for the steep part but then we were at the bottom and it turns out they redid the trail. which is cool because it would be fun to go up for sunrise on new years day and not die on the way up. the ani concert is on the 11th of november not the 1st, ooops.

October 07, 2003

so i told cherie i found a job and she was like oh ok, so that's interesting. and now i have to tell charlotte. i am both afraid and boasting a sick pleasure in this. i'll do it this morning. hehehe. errrrr. kitty stood on my tummy and sneezed on me this am. i can't say i approve. but i am worried she has a furry cold. poor baby!

October 05, 2003

well folks, i have technically accepted the bank job...but i haven't actually told the island artisans people yet...err tomorrow for sure. so ah we'll see about that. i'm looking for a place to live closer to bar harbor. and still looking at jobs, of course. oooh last night annie and i and annie's housemate went to see i capture the castle which was really very good although annie did not heart the ending. it makes me want to read the book. the chatty housemate chose it and it was really very good. the audience was mostly over 60's except for us which was weird. and this old man with a walker standing out in the rain and wind looking as though in deep peril yelled at us for holding the door for him and inviting him inside. c'est la vie. i think kirsten should tell us all how her birthday went, because we love her and are insanely jealous of people who can go places like sheetz and target and need to hear about such adventures. it is not ok that we're starting to get stir crazy now that winter is upon us. not ok at all. with my whole two days off until january i think annie and i are going south, prolly in november but i don't know when. it will be a non stop friend seeing tour. i miss you too sarah, and i know annie does. i miss every body and every one should come visit.

October 01, 2003

so now that i have been almost offered this job in bar harbor...i'm not sure i want it. i am being so crazy. i would have two days vacation until january and it only pays 8 dollars an hour. i totally can't decide what to do. sigh. i have to call the lady today though or i may not have a decision to make at all. last night when i got home i was extremely tired and out of it and i fell asleep at about 9 and this morning i realized i put kitty's food in the freezer last night. sheesh. there is a scary guy chasing people with a knife at coa and it's very upsetting. it's also very not bar harbor...they must be from south west. pepper spray all around. kitty says hi to everybody...she's purring at the computer. when annie left on monday am she was very upset. she doesn't like to see people leaving with lots of stuff unless it's jack. whenever i come in she looks around me for annie...or atleast i think she does. sarah i have some bananas slowly going to the other side so you might get some banana bread soon. do you like nuts? i have to buy a pan we think banana bread cupcakes would work??? hmmm

September 17, 2003

i can hear the neighbors goats conversing and kitty very much wants to make their acquaintance. i have yet again gone on an interview and heard nothing back. i know i should call them, but i don't want to. i'm tired of job hunting. i'm friendly, reliable, flexible, will to relocate within reason. sigh. annie's parents are down at the camp rowing, annie's mom wanted me to come but i need to search job ads and such. i'm going to try and bake a pie, and cook some dinner. and finish my laundry. i'm so very busy. annie had a goo dinterview at the grand for a movie showing gig but it pays very err. it may not be worth it but it's exciting none the less. sarah i sent you a package so watch out for it. i didn't send you ramen although you may decide that would be welcome and you can let me know.

September 08, 2003

annie just went off to her first day of school. hehe. kitty and i are rearranging our finances. we are getting rid of some credit card debt. it's gratifying to pay it off. capitalone is soooo impressed with me that they are giving me a nice low transfer rate. they are soooo sweet aren't they. ok, desperate to get my money but it's a good deal for me too. anyway. it's a very exciting morning. i should be off soon, i'm going to try to meet annie for lunch in bar harbor. princess says rowwww to you all.

September 07, 2003

annie is showing winged migration. i didn't go because although neat it's a little nauseating. i spent the morning painting a new floor cloth. jack said it was nice twice, i think he prefers it to the old one that was a little more funky. sarah likes her school...that is so great. i'm excited for her. how are kirsten and amy? i'm trying to decide whether i should get some more clothes from ae. i really shouldn't but it's all on sale. i'm a bad amy. a very bad amy.

September 05, 2003

i hope that works, i took kirsten's quiz. i'm not a sir. the kitty is totally sleeping on me. she's warm. annie comes home tomorrow! i baked her cookies. i'm so excited!

September 02, 2003

so in other news, melvin the caretaker called me amay which is the first of that sort of maine accent that i have heard since being here. and i am excited. he's so nice, the caretaker guy. makes me wish i had a house that i lived in that he could take care of. and call me amay and say annay and deah. note to self, i was supposed to work tomorrow...but i feel like shite so i think i'll call catherine and switch. i hate passing out, and i keep thinking everytime i feel a little this passing out funky, which makes you think about passing out and then you do pass out because you are thinking about it sooo much. blah!
so ahhh. despite my head injury i'm working on all my days off this week...of which i am ofcourse thrilled. i will be more thrilled when i get my paycheck. but anyway. annie's mom is convinced annie has frozen to death and that i am going to have serious car trouble at midnight on my commute. she's really very sweet ordering me to call her if i have car trouble, she is a concerned mom afterall. kitty and i are cuddling...she keeps looking for annie i think, or she's seeing ghosts. in any case she keeps looking at the door. there were only creepy straight people there when i worked at the mall. how weird. when do you go to school sarah? i can't remember but i think it's soon. are you excited? i hope so. i miss you so much. i'm trying to find us an apartment, do you still want to visit in january?

September 01, 2003

so there is much less excitement about coming home when there is no annie to come home to. she left on her trip today, and there's another annie in her group. a redhead with freckles who she thought was very much an annie type. sarah had robots in the ovaries when she came home with annie that time and she got her thing in the car. annie's mom hasn't been as bad as the car ride i think because she has to think up reasons to call me. princess and i are chillin, preparing to go to bed. we miss our annie. sigh. i think the kitty was naughty in my room but i can't find proof. maybe i'm just paranoid. the other day she was naughty on jack's bed which we thought was both sad and sickly amusing. as annie's mom put it "you don't shit where you sleep" so she probably didn't damage my room. i'll find out for sure tomorrow in the daylight. sarah i have a gift for you. i'll tell you what it is so you can tell me where to send it. i found a sort of honey butter, it's creamy spreadable honey...but i can't remember if it was for you or your mumma so let me know who and where to address the package. goodnight everyone... especially my annie out in the woods...

August 31, 2003

so uhh, last night i passed out again for no reason. sarah, remember freshmen year when i passed out in the middle of memorials bathroom and then threw up alot. well you probably don't remember but i think i told you about it. well, i did it again last night and i scared annie harris to death. and the kitty too, who's been following me around. she was first on the scene as annie said with saucer like eyes as i lay unconscious. annie goes on her camping trip tomorrow and is spending the night in blue hill. her mom keeps calling to see if i'm dead. it's all very exciting. so, errr, i've been laying around all day. kitty and i listened to a book on tape about these siamese kitties that solve mysteries. we enjoyed it. so that's it, unconsciousness, no job offers, and kitties that solve mysteries. maybe if i could teach miss precious princess to solve mysteries i wouldn't need a job and it wouldn't matter if i was unconscious. err, or not.

August 30, 2003

we're watching bowling for columbine again, and it's super disturbing. i hate charleston heston. he's such a bastard, and dick clark too. michael moore is a god for speaking his mind. the news media is the devil. annie is packing for her trip. we made a fancy dinner, and even a pie to celebrate her last dinner before her trip. they talk about the welfare to work program and how evil it is to take the one parent out of a one parent home to earn 5.15 an hour and have no time for your child at all. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

August 26, 2003

annie's mom built a new driveway at the house because we all keep dieing(how do you spell that?) so that's exciting. also sarah sent us banana bread which we are very excited about. i should be getting ready for work but annie said there's no hot water so i'm taking my time...things are well here. i haven't heard about the job i interviewed for, but i'm interviewing again somewhere else on wednesday. do we see me as a banker? fortunately it's really easy and you get great benefits and 14 an hour. woohoo. i keep hearing about why hood is stupid. it's very upsetting. they're such bastards. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

August 21, 2003

so my computer needs to be fixed...that silly virus thing. so err...what's new with everyone since puter worked? last night annie and i camped out at the beach and built a very fabulous fire and roasted marshmallows and it was super fun. i had an interview for a bank job yesterday...we'll see. it's on deer isle but i'd have a 401k. ooooh. everyone at the store is if i get this job the world will end for the store. but anyway. sarah, i sent you my parents phone number...sorry i didn't have email for a bit. how's work kirsten and amy, and living with imani. hope it's all going well.

August 06, 2003

so uhh my parents are here. they're staying at a really nice inn, but ofcourse the pump for the water is broken so there's no water till the am. haha. normally i would feel bad about this except for the fact that my bigotted father was ranting about the greedy rich new york jews. so that was nice. so err. i just had a very stephen king thought. the door just creaked open, which it does when kitty is coming in. and then i started talking to her right, and i put my hand down under the bed, and i had this thought that maybe it wasn't a furry kitty after all, and it was in fact a non-furry/evil creature that was going to eat me. this all makes me think of sarah. on the upside of the day my parents bought me yummy food and a groovy spatula that i've been eyeing at the store. oooh spatula. remember the ergonomic ones sarah? oh yeah. i'm excited. so i was a tourist for sure in bar harbor today. it seems i spend every waking moment in bar harbor. tomorrow we'll do blue hill and stonington instead. i'm very glad that sarah had to watch harry potter. woohoo. thankgod my parents only visit me sometimes. i think i'd go insane.

August 03, 2003

i just baked fresh hot biscuits. mmmmmmm. annie's parents are here. err. and annie's at the opera house. i'm watching legally blonde. again. it's sooo funny. insert amy mas's comment here. i might apply at the blue hill video store...tres impressive. but it's a full time job, full year, and it would be fun. they have all the a&e movies on tape, and pbs series. ooooooh. so we'll see. how is everyone. so few blogs. reese witherspoon must have had such a good time making this movie, it's so funny.

July 29, 2003

yesterday i was walking down the street in bar harbor and this dude on a bike(which he was riding on the sidewalk) said "lemmings" under his breath. it was funny. and also, i heard baby's got back lounge style which was also funny. yesterday was full of weirdnesses. my laundry is not so very small...i think but i may encourage annie to go to bangor with me on wednesday anyway.

July 27, 2003

and then sarah was gone and there was great sadness among the people.

July 22, 2003

i have no motivation this morning to go to work, except that the sooner i go the sooner i can come home to annie and sarah and kitty. jack was hanging out in the kitchen this am so i couldn't steal bread to make annie toast, and so she's hungry. poor annie. i don't want to go to work!!! NO NO NO. tired of work. there was a wicked thunderstorm last night and now today is all windy and such. it's lovely. kitty is sitting by the window and her fur is ruffled in the wind. must get dressed, must go to good paying and enjoyable job. must must must.

July 20, 2003

last night sarah and i went to see the two towers which annie projected very well. even though it's the longest movie ever and it was her day off and she was most unhappy. today i am taking sarah to northeast harbor where the pornographically wealthy live and play. she'll get to see where i work and we'll have a jolly good time. this morning annie had to be at work at 8:30 but when i woke up the phone alarm said 10:30 and i had a minor coronary and so did annie. but then it was only 7:10 and the phone is just broken. or something. whew. we have so much planned for sarah and so little time to do it. so we're going to have 4 or 5 adventures on wednesday. someone called me to work on my day off, but i'm going to pretend that my phone is broken and hopefully she'll find someone else to cover for her. i'm a total whore for this because she covers for me all the time. but annie and i only have two days to see eachother and it would be tres awful if i had to work. sarah and i reenacted the civil war with my civil war teddies and it was both entertaining and historically accurate. although i don't think annie's mom really thought it was that funny. what kind of person doesn't think the civil war was funny. err...

July 18, 2003

i use peepees because i'm refering to the functions of a kitty, which even while it involves excrement kitties add cuteness to all things. you can say boobies it's just unrefined and it makes my skin crawl. say boobies all you like. boobies, boobies, boobies! now i'm going to have adds for the wonderbra and plastic surgery. but anyway. we have a sarah. and apparently we picked her up at the dunkin donuts famous for it's hookers. we had no idea. and we didn't actually pick her up there. her mom couldn't find it and we actually picked her up at a burger king with no hooker affiliation that we know of. although annie and i did stand around the d&d for a while. errr. anyway we sort of went the wrong way to portland and we got to see all sorts of stuff. like bad neighborhoods, and u maine, and where the portland sea dogs play. ooooh!!! we're going to a bangor lumberjacks game tonight(maybe tonight) and it's going to be good fun. it's 3 whole dollars!!! it's all part of annie's birthday fun and sarah's visit. when you come kirsten we'll have a page of fun for you too! last night we watched crazy beautiful which is a tear jerker and not so terrible. yay for that. right now sarah and i are preparing to go and make birthday fun for annie who is at work. mwahahaha!!!

July 14, 2003

all of my blogs are annie this, annie that. this time annie took me rowing at sunset and we saw a seal...and the water was so beautiful it was like glass and not like water at all. yay for maine.

July 11, 2003

annie taught me to skip stones yesterday. i got to 6 skips, i'm so proud. it's chilly today. silly maine. we're going to see dracula on saturday at the opera house. it's a production from new york that the opera ladies friends all did. tres exciting. i listened to the second book of the lord of the rings and they left it in an exciting spot. bastards. so now i must go to the library before work so i can fulfill my lord of the rings need. kitty did not howl all night. she did meow at annie's head for a bit, and she tossed her scratching pad down the hallway. kitty has huge peepees in her litter box and we've been worried about her little furry kidneys but it just seems to be her pattern. she runs around and plays like she feels just fine. i think it's undignifying for her to be seen in the litter box and therefor goes very little. we're not sure. we rode our bikes to the camp yesterday and we didn't die once. we were both impressed. this morning there was a young buck hanging out in the backyard munching. he was cute. the mean new lady hasn't been so terrible lately. atleast not to me. she's stepping way more on the other girls job and than mine. on wednesday we went to COA which is very beautiful and full of old homes. it's very cool. and kirsten you would have died! the tofu from the cafeteria was so good. very unmarriot. i hope you're doing better. we miss you guys too.

July 07, 2003

annie and i broke out our sparklers last night. they were really cool, like little fireworks instead of just regular sparklers. It was very exciting. and we didn't set the house on fire. which was exciting. our alarms were weird this morning and annie was a little late for work. we rented igby goes down and a movie that i'm watching that i can't remember the name. igby goes down was not completely satisfying. which makes quite a score of movies that we have rented which are rather awful. although the one i'm watching now isn't so bad. it has edward burns whom i like. ryan phillippe is annie's boyfriend. she thinks he's very attractive. hehe. she's cute. life or something like it, that's what this movie is called. it has angelina jolie and she's short strategically to avoid her tattoos. i just noticed. it's pretty interesting. kitty was howling all night for no particular reason. sheesh kitty.

July 01, 2003

I am preparing to play hookie today. i'm going to pretend that i don't feel well. there is a new manager at work, a part time manager, and i dislike her greatly. i was trying to be open minded, but i've decided that i hate her and i can't work with her. the search for a new job begins again. sarah has not returned my email, that bitch. i'm astounded. i have to go to NH tomorrow to get car inspected. i think my parents and reid are going to meet me in portsmouth. good times. i have to call one of the owners and tell them i'm ill. annie said not to use too many details. or they'll know i'm faking. we'll see, i'm going to call. well i left a message, and i totally did not sound perky or give too many details. actually i'm going to go food shopping and make cereal bars and send out resumes. i saw on annie's box of cereal that you can make cereal bars with honey and chocolate chips and i'm excited. she said i'm a housewife. oh well.

June 27, 2003

well the new blogger is exciting. last night princess was on a rampage. she was possessed. every night she brings her jingly ball up on the bed, but last night she sat over it meowed for what must have been hours. sheesh. i got pictures of her with the ball in her mouth. so cute. in non kitty news i have to drive to NH to have my car inspected. i have to figure out what is the closest point in NH where one can get their car inspected. sarah, we are so excited that you're coming. when are you coming, did you get a ticket? should i get you a ticket? let me know. we've got big plans. it is too bad that we are too far for your house warming party kirsten, but i hope the naked people are able to enjoy that yummy cake. my room is covered in drying clothes. it's very like school. yesterday i bought myself a portable tire inflator...but not a drying rack. i'm very excited about my tire inflator. it plugs into the cigarette lighter. kirsten...congrats on the claires job. i hope it works out. i wish i were a kitty. they look like they are having so much fun. wouldn't it be fun to be furry and soft. and have cute paws. i don't have to work till three, i don't know what to do with myself. so much free time.

June 24, 2003

precious princess and i are sitting in the heat of maine enjoying a nice cool breeze. I've decided that on my days off when I am left to my own devices i shall lay on my bed and read. and put aside silly conventionalities like bathing and getting one's oil changed. these things can be done, another day. kitty actually can bathe and lay on the bed at the same time which is a luxury i must say I am envious of. as annie has told me, deer isle is on a huge granite ledge, and so every sound echoes. but still, i keep hearing voices and thinking there's someone in the house when there is no one there. kitty looks hot today, but i am resisting the impusle to shave her. neither kitty nor annie's mom would approve i think. there isn't very much going on today. I spent the day reading harry potter to no one's great surprise. I also forgot to drink water today and have a terrible dehydration headache. and so i sit and sip and feel like an idiot. who forgets to drink water. it's like those skinny bitches who forget to eat. well, worse i suppose because one needs water more than food. i am resisting the urge to get iced tea. bad amy. how is everyone doing? i must report that the accident annie had left very littly damage to her buick, which makes me think how very totalled my car would be in the same crash. thank god for buicks.

June 21, 2003

our kitty fetches. how adorable is that. she jumped up on the bed today with the jingly ball in her mouth. so cute. and also, this is the only place on earth it's not raining...and we're gonna have a picnic.

June 19, 2003

so i was telling you all about kitty's new digs when she started walking on the puter and posted her own incomplete blog. she's a smarty pants. a smarty furry pants. she keeps walking around me and meowing. anyway, we had a very busy day yesterday. annie harris rowed me out in the ocean yesterday and started to teach me how to row. i rowed in like three feet of water, and i turned the boat around myself. i'm so proud of myself. later we'll row all the way to the island and have a picnic...but i need some practice on the high seas...insert annie's hysterical laughter here. we went shopping for ourselves after we shopped for kitty and we spent a lot more time than we meant to. we were supposed to say goodbye to lindsay at like 9 which was when we were leaving bangor. so we were a little late, and the fog on the blueberry fields was awful. we couldn't see more than five feet in front of us. I'm watching a movie about hair pieces in northern ireland. it's pretty funny so far. kitty likes it. i'm going to use kitty treats to tempt princess into scratching on her new house. we spent so long choosing it we need some kind of validation. we think sarah should come for a week when she visits. we have grand plans. miss sarah. we think you should come the wednesday before the 18th, and maybe stay till the wednesday after. or something. like that. would be fun. let us know.
Yesterday annie and i spent over an hour choosing a scratching post for princess. actually what we chose is a kitty beach house with ocean view. so far princess has shown no interest. let's hope she
Yesterday annie and i spent over an hour choosing a scratching post for princess. actually what we chose is a kitty beach house with ocean view. so far princess has shown no interest. let's hope she

June 15, 2003

so, annie's mom and brother came over to see kitty last night, and it took hours to find her. and when annie did find her behind the sofa we looked behind five thousand times, she was friendly and sweet. not at all the evil monster they said she was at the humane society. not so very humane at all. kitty was lost again this am but once again annie found her, this time upstairs hiding. she came and had breakfast with us, and now she is scoping out my bed. the humane society said she never purred, but we've had a few purrs out of her. she's our baby now. and she is indeed a precious princess, her name is miss precious princess. in other news, i have hysterical pictures of annie kissing and hugging a tree for you sarah. very funny. I think kitty and i are going to take a nap together. i'll let you know if i survive.

June 14, 2003

saw the kitty, very pretty. she was not pleased to see me though. i'm sure we'll get on famously. i have tomorrow off. i'm so excited. ofcourse annie has to work all day, but i get to go to the opera house and see the hours and watch annie project...or whatever. so, i decided today that i don't like driving. although i got the lord of the rings on cd, which is quite fun. it makes my journey seem not so long or terrifying. not that it's really terrifying. it's beautiful. the mountains were all misty today and it was very lovely. everyone should come visit. so anyway, i have nothing of any real interest to say. i want kitty to be my friend. she's furry and she looks soft. if we were friends i could pet her and we could frolic. but she's rumored to be sort of a bitchy cat, which is why annie's mom had to adopt her, but i want to be her friend anyway. her name is princess, which is exactly what she is. she can sleep with sarah when sarah comes to visit. i'm sure you'll get along famously.
annie's mom adopted the worls meanest cat, and it's living in our house. it just got here today...but err i haven't met her yet. well, more to it, i can't find her. she is supposedly huge, and very beautiful. i'm off to look again. wish me luck.

June 08, 2003

so...long time no blog. i just finished scrubbing our toilet and i! so we went to acadia again today. we bought a year pass so we can visit lots. we went to sand beach which is very beautiful and also to thunder hole but not at high tide so we weren't swept out to sea. maybe when sarah visits we can go again and get lucky. we were told we were living in squalor...err so i've been cleaning. actually i've only done the bathroom, but in my opinion that is usually the most important thing to clean. so i'm sure you all just drool over hearing what i cleaned today, so i'll tell you about our day. we visited the puppy this morning on our way to acadia and he is soooo big. it's not right. then when we were going through ellsworth i had a mean face tournament with a child in a pickup. and then...we went to the park and drove around and then we came home and visited puppy again and now annie is showing the pianist which i wanted to see but not at a theatre because it's scary. hillcrest, which is on the crest of a hill, is right by the road and i have my shades up and i keep seeing these trucks and suv's racing over the hill in the middle of the road and i thoroughly expect to see an accident any time. i have my 911 dialing fingers at the ready. sarah, you must come visit. annie asks every day when you're coming. i miss you too, by the way. i hope you're enjoying your summer. we have a package for you aswell, we'll probably post it tomorrow. you'll just LOVE it. so how is everyone? kirsten, where are you working, and how is amy m? also kirsten can you get us emily's email address? i miss her too.

June 04, 2003

it is funny that your name is in my blog most. hmmm. hey, i got promoted yesterday. this is good because a) i'll get a whole dollar more per hour and b) because i have flexibility in at least part of my schedule. oh and c) because it might lead to an all year position. we'll see. annie and i went to Acadia yesterday and drove up the highest point on the eastern coast. it was very beautiful indeed. and sunday we're going to go back and do the paying parts of the park and maybe see the fyord (or fiord) which is supposed to be spectacular. i'm very excited. also, note to sarah, you will like this place very much and you should come visit...maybe in July, like around the 18th...annie wants you for her birthday...we'll get you a ribbon, it'll be grand. I have to go to work again soon. sigh. sarah, we're gonna call you err, if you're not gonna be home you can leave us a message!

May 31, 2003

so ahh, it's 7:30 and i have to leave at 8 to be at work at 9:30. i left myself a bunch of messes to clean up because i wanted to go HOME!!! and the people, were there, browsing, and i said LEAVE!!!! but they wouldn't, and they held guns to my head and said "tell me about these prints, NOW BITCH" or maybe it was just "what nice work" and a bunch of cappucinos but really it was all the same to me ten minutes after closing time. go home, don't you have homes!!! what does that come from sarah, i want to say adam sandler. yesterday i made a bunch of lasagne, were not sure but i realllllly wanted to. it's all in the freezer and i feel like a proper little house wife. i have b-day gifts for my holly and my sarah if ever i can post them. sarah's was made by a big dyke which is ofcourse very appropriate. i must be you all!!!

May 29, 2003

so it's my first day off, discounting memorial day, whence we were very busy and attended the blue hill parade which was quite adorable. we also took puppy out for ice cream, ofcourse the only ice cream he had was a drop that fell on his blanky which he licked very adorably. he was much adored by all the passers by. i haven't had much time to do anything, this is my first day off and i have a lot of cleaning to do. annie is training for the projectionist job in stonington and i shall be puppysitting all day. yay for me and puppy. my life is consumed with puppy and apologies for the boring blogs. we haven't gotten to the beach yet as it's been raining every day. and it's still really spring here and not yet winter...brrr. oooh but we have plans to go to bangor on sunday...YAY! shopping and fun times for all.

May 23, 2003

it's been ages, and so many things to blog about it. there is the cutest of puppies next to me, very small. the job is going well, they like me alot and the stuff there is really cool. hope you are all doing well. i love you all and hope you're doing well! i'll blog more soon.

May 20, 2003

much craziness and dealings with brother last night. i'm leaving today for maine instead of tomorrow. i can't take all this nonsense. i'll get you all my address and new number when i have one, but you must have this cell if you need to talk to me. love you all!

May 18, 2003

so uhh..we graduated. my parents had no idea i had so much stuff. first priority, a long term job, apartment. no more home. my brother is all fucked up. apparently he says he's suicidal so he can go to the hospital, otherwise they don't have a bed for him. so actually he's trying to get help, but he's drinking all the profits from his business. aren't you all thrilled to hear about my crazy family. i should be writing sappily about graduation. oooh but if i do it'll just be too sad. i still haven't realised that i'm not going back to hood. it's weird. but it's ok. good things in my future. the tiniest puppy, and a fun job, and a great summer.

May 14, 2003

i just got offered a job in frederick, for which i applied in january. add to that the three job calls i have received in the past weeks. good god. where were all these job offers two months ago.
I start the job on thursday! 9:30 am. that's not so early. yay. oooh and i don't have to work every weekend, although i might have to work till 8 some nights. yay for not every weekend. i just took all of my bins down from storage. my room is full, no room for walking. it has to get worse before it gets better, no? thankyou annie and sarah for a lovely day yesterday. pretty gardens, fun and good times at the coffee house. yay. and tomorrow more fun with annie harris et all. we're going to harpers ferry and new market...and il forno. good times. also, someone remind me to drop off mimi's keys tonight!
I thought i really screwed by closing my bank account but it seems to have worked out. yay. today, i must clean alot and pack alot, and do laundry. such interesting blogs lately. it's all about packing...sigh. so much packing to do.

May 12, 2003

my parents have changed the graduation plans five times in the past ten minutes. oh dear.
have the brady movie theme song stuck in my head. someone help me. i'm packing all of my leakable things. martha stuart would so not approve. but it works for me. what to do with spare computer? anyone need a computer? i wish i could sell it...anyone want to buy a computer. at this point i'd just like it not in my room. err

May 10, 2003

Freshmen...playing bad music...loudly...rage. and also, they're singing along. going to attempt to blow my speakers again, little shits.
were not sure. but you can make your own blog poem here:

Elvis has to
take all the font.
hope for or atleast perception of
me i should be
wrong with ghostiesIdiotProdigy: hahahahaaaa mean! i am
postCount ;Comments everyone allready and a bit...
although i want to lay
slothlike on the director of ice
cream, i have a real
grill this is so i think it
takes longer
than supervision. last night
i actually i was chatting with
us, except for the
leader we had to be wrong
with 5 2003 i have kids.
and totally trashed it.
finally starting take home due tomorrow. clearly, not worried. can't wait to pack and get out of here. death to freshmen.

May 09, 2003

i pre ordered the new harry potter. life is good.

May 05, 2003

Sarah, Amy, Annie et al: we have a reservation for may 17th at 1:30. i made it for fourteen. let's hope that's right.
it's a dreary day in all sorts of ways. but atleast it isn't hot.

May 04, 2003

I wish someone, or say a group of people, could treat me like shit for my last two weeks of school. oh wait...

May 03, 2003

My last day at the Museum was very nice. The staff took me out to lunch and gave me a lovely card. I had my final evaulation which was all excellent or good and i'm still working on the last of my project for the education department which I will keep working on. this was meant for my internship blog...sorry folks

May 01, 2003

amy and i went to the mall, and returned stuff. and didn't buy anything expensive. and she ate half a chicken walking through the food court getting samples. then we went to target and got clothes, she got some overshorts and i bought a lot of depressing black things that i happen to adore...and some red pants. i know someone will like my red pants...hope everyone had a splendid much to do for my internship tonight!

April 30, 2003

gettysburg allies just invited us to a barbecue, with a real grill this time, on friday at 6. short notice and all but since i can't remember sarah's email i thought i'd post it here. ok, that's all. let me know if anyone wants to go.
i just sat through a lunch at the museum of people telling anti-france jokes, and a lady who was telling me a joke about straight people i'd understand when i get married and have kids. and also, a hood student told one of the french exchange students that the french were primitive and stupid, and the dining hall served freedom toast. sigh. why must americans be so incredibly stupid. and rude. and awful. uhm, france is why we are our own country. France gave us our international symbol of freedom and welcome which we have never lived up to. we suck people, us, not the French who have suffered war in ways that no American can understand, or the germans who have suffered the same. notice the trend...two countries that have tried to take over the world and failed...and here we go off to waterloo again. the director of the museum said "texas is bigger than france" but in france they have a highly evolved and literate people unlike the knuckle draggers that make up texas. yikes man, yikes.

April 29, 2003

i had an ant in my pants people. literally. but on the bright side, no more classes, except for studio clean up. and my final. and my internship and the project i have to finish for it. but yay. i'll probably have to go and see my sister on saturday and come back monday. i'll be home for a WHOLE DAY. it is necessary. i could hang around just to miss a day of supervision but i'll miss all my people. so much packing to do. oooh, but my mom is going to give me money for a haircut. I wonder if she's seen my cell phone bill. it's only 20 dollars more that normal...that's not soooo it? oh well, it's been done. a phone with a maine number is my first priority when i get paid. getting sleepy...more interesting stuff tomorrow!

April 28, 2003

"I'll tell him I'm blind, you tell him your skin's falling off" uttered by Ryan while we were researching recruiting exemptions. I'm still laughing, civil war humor. we have these two documents of gys who tried to get out of service, and they were in line together, and we thought it was funny. moving on. it is a beautiful day, and i was only a little late. I called the art people again this morning but she wasn't home. i'll keep trying. you know, i think i'm on crack or am delirious because everything i hear lately is just so funny. i have been giggling for days. it's giddiness. graduation giddiness. i have to take all of my things to goodwill, and i have to do a lot of old schoolwork, but i finished one of my books...just one more to do. YAY!

April 27, 2003

bitched at tete for parking in our spaces...good times!

April 26, 2003

i have a temporary plan. I am looking for a part time job with benefits, that is year round, so i won't be screwed. maybe even a full time job with benefits...hmmm. reception here i come. there's one at the breast center at the MDI hospital. would i not be fabulous at the breast center?

April 25, 2003

i got a call about a random job in New York City. tres bizarre. should i call back? do i want to live in new york. not so much...

April 23, 2003

i have a republica song stuck in my head. do we know how long it's been since i've heard this republica song. like more than 5 years people. damn.
i'm leaning toward the Bar Harbor job. although the inn would be really cool, i would have to be working like all the time. hmmm folks, hmmm. also, i called them back but didn't actually accept the job. but i thought it would be nice to call them back.
something weird happened to my blog...
would it be wrong to take the job with more flexibility even though i'd have to drive a lot. more flexibility and more money. unless you count my expenses...err. i don't know. it might be good not to be so very tied down as at the inn, you know. each job has it's benefits. sigh to my indecisiveness.
i was hoping someone would say good pizza, god bless you sarah!

April 22, 2003

i'm not so much at class. i don't so much want to get up, or finish my journal. BAD AMY!
i want the inn people to callllll meeeeee. we'll see. i'm writing m journal and i don't want to, and i don't want to go to class anymore. and i don't want to drive ever again. on the upside kirsten brought us beautiful rainbow tassles for our graduation regalia. i have to send a thankyou note to annie's mom. i must remember. back to silly journals now.

April 21, 2003

IdiotProdigy: you're gonna live with ghosties
IdiotProdigy: hahahahaaaa

she's mean!

p.s. my apartment at the inn has a ghost...i have a picture...

April 20, 2003

i love and miss you all and i can't wait to get back tomorrow. i'm currently skipping out on easter with the family. the inn was nice, the apartment is huge. the pay is good and it includes housing and food prepared by a master chef. let's hope they liked me. and they call soon. yay. i miss and love you all...see you sooooooon

April 18, 2003

I'm home. i was in the car for a long time. lots of traffic. going up to the inn tomorrow. wish me luck. my mom's new phone is cool, it actually reaches from my ear to my mouth. i miss everyone allready and i'm tired and grumpy. poor amy. i'm off to bed. sarah i miss you more than your tv too...but then i have your tv. mwahahaha. love you all, bye

April 16, 2003

i keep clicking on these blog links that look very cute and totally english and then it's always german or something. why can't every one speak english? geez, some people. I'm in a very uncreative slump today. i broke out of the office because i needed an iced tea from beans and bagels. i got a large for 95 cents. this is a bargain folks, and they have sugar in the raw. meanwhile, i've accomplished very little although it is exciting that everyone liked my case so much. and i have a package at facilities. although i think it must be wrong because i'm not expecting anything. maybe it's those blocks sarah? we'll see. maybe i'll convince myself i need to leave early to go get it. i really am wasting time here...can't think of a damn thing to say about recruiting exams. did everyone know that you could get out of the civil war for excessive baldness. also thanksgiving on the 4th thursday of november was lincoln's idea. not those silly pilgrims after all. i'm learning so much. did anyone have major power trouble this morning? i don't get why it goes out so often. i was hoping maybe they were putting on the air or something. the phone keeps ringing, i can't stand it. there's no one up here...stop calling. i really can't stand any sustained noise anymore. birds this morning, very loud, and then lawnmowers. if it wasn't so balmy one could close the window on the offensive noise but it's not to be done. also there were three fire engines down patrick street today. it sounded like they were going the wrong way but i heard no crashes. the good thing about horrific sounds. i'm intrigued about this package. it could be a suprise. it could be not for me at all and then it will be very disappointing. i have to get a car chargemups for the phone today. i was going to do that right after this but i have a package and the exhiliration of having a package is ranked way above trying to miss afternoon traffic. you know what i learned ast night in class. bechtel built the chemical companies in iraq that we're all pissed about now. even after, or possibly for or during the iran war when they used mustard gas against the iranians. bechtel just gave the museum two used computers today. it's nice that they can share the profits of killing with the community huh? Everyone just came back up en masse. maybe i should feign working. nah. no one really seems to care. there is no such thing as deadlines here. maybe i should get directions for this weekend...
the director really liked the case i did in the front lobby on monday. he is telling everyone to go look at it and to come up and tell me how much they liked it. life sucks, gets immense praise. I'm starving. I think i'm going back to hood for lunch. i have to do so many things before i leave. busy busy amy. should be doing some writing for collections but i can't think. i keep trying.

April 15, 2003

I have two job interviews for this weekend. woohoo. this other one is for an art gallery which i would heart alot. ofcourse, we all know i'd rather be an innkeeper. with an apartment, and a year round job. but. hey. a job is a job. yay for two interviews.
going to maine by myself this weekend. any takers. i thought not. hopefully i'll get the job and it'll be worthwhile. or i could start drinking heavily. we'll see

April 14, 2003

called the inn people. she's gonna think about the video thing. i told her i might be able to come up this weekend...she said i could stay there. hmmm. she's gonna get back to me. annie has offered to fly with me...grr to flying but yay to no 12 hours in the car. i should be working...but oh well. only one hour left. see you all soon!

April 13, 2003

spent alot of money on clothes yesterday. have to return something... apparently someone at the prom superglued eyelashes on. bad idea folks, bad idea. ps did anyone else notice our freshmen and bix? i also have a job interview as an innkeeper. wouldn't that be fun? it's a 10 month position unless you want to run the b&b yourself in january. it would be very cool. must go interview. very exciting. it's 6 days a week. anyway, moving on. my cold seems to be improving this morning, although last night i was very icky. we think i was just tired because the cold really isn't so bad. although i thought i was going blind at the mall with mimi. my eyes were very ouchy.

April 10, 2003

roar. i bought a dress today. i have to do lots of work for my internship. i'm watching national lampoon's vacation and they have one of those really old computeres that work with your tv as the monitor. my friends had one of those. a long time ago. i had to go through my whole closet to find shoes for my dress. sigh. i want a kitty. i heart kitties. soft, furry. annie sent me a kitty today because she's the best. yay.

April 09, 2003

i'm watching new evidence on the kennedy shooting. there are pictures of guys on the knoll...there's one guy taking pictures and he's interviewed...and he felt shots next to him, and then further over there are two guys, one dressed as a police man and one as a railroad man. there are the shooters...there are a few pictures of them but they'rereally small in the photos. and the fbi offered to pay this other guy to keep quiet because he saw the police guy pass the gun to the railroad guy who took it apart and walked away. yikes people. also annie, don't forget pat's birthday.

April 07, 2003

someone said it was hard to read so i've changed the font. hope you all approve.
we're discussing making wounds to send out with the trunk. it would be really cool if we could send out an arm with a bullet in it. hehehe

April 06, 2003

cleaning out my room. giving goodwill lots of things. and amy mas shoes. i have so much crap. i have a bag of things...and more to go, only i don't feel like going into the top of my closets. what to do with my fridge. it's really old, someone gave it to me and it's covered with powerpuff girls. maybe my cousin will need a fridge. i have to drink about a thousand gallons of tea before may. do we think i can give away my stuffed animals? i have to someday right? we'll see. i have to give away my feather boas too...if anyone wants them. i'm about to work on cover letters and resumes to go out tomorrow am. for sure.

April 05, 2003

von, i tried to post a comment on your blog but it wasn't working. i was being sarcastic, there is no pressure to write. going dress and tux shopping today. woohoo. have to return the other's just not right. thanks for coming with me though amy.

April 04, 2003

lots of things to do today...going to internship late. tsk to me.

April 03, 2003

no one can know how hard a decision it is that i have to make about what i'm going to do with my life. i won't take any pressure from anyone, i put enough pressure on myself as it is. i refuse to put other people's peace before my own.

April 02, 2003

the museum staff is discussing a possible donation to the museum. a donation of small pox scars from 1880. yikes man. thre are so many yikes for that. yike one...uhh why would someone want to save small pox scars, yike two the cdc wants to have a talk with us, yike three is just plain ew. i haven't been very productive in like office things today, but i have had a nice day. i sat on the canal for lunch...and lay in the grass and the sun was so bright. if i didn't have to come back here i would have felt rather alive. I desire to go shopping later...maybe if kirsten has a good appt. I'm trying to pretend to do work. no one really cares. I am getting something out of my internship...just not the sort of things one would expect. my supervisor and the director's daughter were discussing creed and some decipel(sp?) concert that they are going to. also a pilgrimage and a christian youth rally in baltimore. i smiled and nodded. whoa dudes, whoa. i've never seriously heard people discuss the merit of creed before but there you go. it is such a beautiful day. it really is. i am in love with today. there is cake out there for someone's birthday. do the rewards of cake equal the detriment of socializing. i don't think i'm an unsocial person but much of the time here i just sit in the office. is it fear of social ineraction with folk so completely different from me. I do fear coming out to's not at all necessary to my position and so why bother. doo dee doo. i have an hour and a half left here. i haven't yet talked to ryan about skipping out for lunch on friday for the peer supporter thing. almost none of the other ps can stay for the training. i think ashley and i are going to be the only mentors. maryann always looks to me to do these things and i really don't think i'm such a fabulous mentor. I'm mad that no one is available. I'm not available either but i feel a need to make myself available because no one else will. grrr. it's not at all that i mind leaving here for a bit...although i do have more hours to make up than i with to think about. I mind that no one else makes sacrifices for this commitment. granted i skipped supervision last week...but the week before ashley and rebecca skipped(which rebecca does all the time) because they had too much work to do. maryann asked me to stress the seriousness of the commitment...this is ofcourse before i there won't be people absent all the time. more fab mentor qualities. i don't even really know what i'm chatting about except that it's not small pox or war related.

March 31, 2003

i just had to look at the navy and marines website...uhh, scary shit dudes. it's all like a place for you, the place where you'll belong. psychological crap. super scary. very upseting. so many posts today. i'm like the least productive ever...i suck. i just wanted to mention the scariness of recruiting. sigh.
alright, i had to erase the archives. i doubt that anyone is going to have a problem with this, but let me know...err and things are really big. we're not sure. it's different...

March 29, 2003

sarah, i am trying to move the button for your pleasure. bare with me

March 28, 2003

i want to say something here but there is just nothing to tell

March 27, 2003

bought all my graduation stuff. how exciting. lots to print. i wish we could all be happy and feel good. everyone is sick and sad and it's just no good.

March 26, 2003 this is where my pretty sarong is. well it's not mine, but anyway it's the red swirls on page 2. i heart swirls. they didn't have any pink but the red made my heart happy. there are other beautiful ones too...but really, how many sarongs does a girl need. we'll start slowly. i hadn't noticed until now but today is a very gray day. why was it so very lovely out when i was so very busy. the natural world does not approve of studying.
tried to purchase beautiful sarong...but they don't take american express. it's just like the comercials...sigh. not really. i do possess a myriad of other charging options but american express has the cool chip thingy that's supposed to save you from evil erroneous charges. dig me and my big words. perhaps it was a sign, no pretty things for me. well, not like right now anyway. what is my fascination with skirts lately anyway. we're just not sure. i'm only hanging around until 2 today. je deteste looking up things for battle field medicine. i do not heart it at all. tonight, i have decided, that i am going to do nothing. i'm going to lay slothlike on my bed for hours. or i'll go shopping. no not really. maybe a movie and a lot of cookies...who wants to bake cookies with me. annie? sarah? anyone???
i'm late

March 25, 2003

i just got an email saying that i wasn't a "right fit" for a job i never sent my resume to. why i ask you, why?
guess who spend hours reading stuff she didn't need to write a journal for. oh yeah, that's me. annie was right, i should always always listen to her. she is a goddess.

March 24, 2003

"americans watch war take ugly turn" actual headline in Frederick News Post. oh gee, i thought the war would be like all fluffy and gay
maybe we'll end this experiment here. i love you all!!!
i think i'll write a thousand one sentence blogs
congrats on your herpes moving sarah
Is there anything worse than someone saying "I try to stay out of politics"? Bush couldn't have a more docile flock
awww, the assistant just showed up. sigh. am i spelling copious wrong. it keeps getting underlined.
actually, i did do some of my things, in retrospect, i showered and i ate copious amounts of ice cream, i brushed and flossed, and i won 4 suit spider solitaire. notice how i achieved above and beyond my to do list although not actually completing it. hmmm
did none of my things...

March 23, 2003

everyone remind me to go to the bookstore and order graduation stuff. thankyou!

March 21, 2003

I was chatting with Eliza today, one of the girls from our printing class, and somehow we got on to war and she said how she disapproves of protesters. i always disapprove of people using their constitutional rights. errr. we're not sure. most of the office just isn't talking about war. alot of people here are attached to the army and detrick and stuff so i guess it's better not to go there. the director seems pretty conservative but his oldest child is antiwar so maybe he is too. I was thinking about kirsten's blog. her hope for evolution of the species. and i found a catch, not that i was looking for a catch. it's more i was hoping for this evolution of the species and i got to thinking that people must procreate for there to be evolution. very few of us, except sarah and amy m if she's in the mood plan to procreate. smart people don't procreate. this is a problem folks. not that sarah isn't smart. this is going badly. but i'm sure you see my point. this thought saddened me greatly and i didn't bring any chocolate to the museum. que lastima. oh. eliza also said that the anti war talk in art bothers debbie so by all means let's keep it up. lots more peace talk. i hate that peace talk. bastards. wanting world peace. grrr to that.

March 20, 2003

sad night

March 19, 2003

i just heard some asshole in the hallway singing "we're bombing baghdad, we're bombing baghdad" what kind of monster would sing that, people are going to die, it's NOT funny.
my mother is watching the birdcage, and now i must watch it too. i'm addicted to this movie...
Iraqi child wearing bob marley t-shirt.
everyone feels weird about today, maybe that's because of the impending war. or maybe it's the planets. why can't there be peace, personal and global???
I just read almost all of this iraqi dude's blog. tres cool. we think the war sucks for sure, but uhh we probably won't see half the shit they're gonna get. one hopes there is no shit to get. i'm wondering how bush sleeps at night. stealing the presidency, raping the land, butchering social security, threatening folks. it's just not cool. what kind of a monster thinks war is a good idea, supports war. I know some people who support this war...they're not all my friends. I challenge them to support the troops whom have no choice(well they could've all been organic farmers instead but they're not so...) instead of supporting war. reasonable people don't support war. not speaking of this at all but moving on i really want to watch that documentary on guns in america. what are we teaching our children with this fucking war nonsense. if people don't do what you want it's ok to use violence. It is not ok. thou shalt not kill. I'm not like the biggest fan of god, or atleast america's perception of god, but this is good stuff here. do unto your neighbor as you would have done unto you. and hey, hello, christ was from the middle east. we're talking about blowing up christ's neighbors here. this is not cool. this is so not at all in order of reasonable thought...but i'm highly sugared and probably in need of ridlin so why not keep typing. Bush is the leader of the uneducated which unfortunately is most of america. this is so sad. why are we not spending all that money on educational and social reforms people. this is so remarkably like johnson and his great society. he was a great president with great plans, and he had to stick with this silly war notion. remember vietnam. nobody took time to study vietnam and look what happened. i hope bush has dug up a history of Iraq before this nonsense. i guess essentially what i'm saying is that if anyone could support this war they are ignorant and it is shameful. and hopefully they will have an awakening of conscience. i'm all fired up because at lunch i was seated near some middle class women with no distinctive interesting features except that this one lady who would not stop talking said that her husband wouldn't work for a french company because france doesn't support the war. does this mean all of our fancy businessmen who profit from bush's industrial pampering will have to give up their mercedes because germany doesn't support the war either. will mcdonalds serve freedom fries and liberty ground beef sandwiches. we just don't want to admit that we're a country just like all the others, parts of all the others, we're no one's leader, we can't even lead ourselves. every department of the government are assholes with very few exceptions. this is such a long and droll blog. so many blogs today aswell. hope for peace everyone!!!
went to show, had fun. saw von and erika. probably got them lost...err sorry guys. more on this later!

March 17, 2003

i tried to post earlier, but no dice. so God is on OUR side is he? well that makes me feel better. i can't imagine how many angry blogs there are out there. i had a good day at the museum, but it's so conservative. i'm afraid there will be an i support bush sign or something in the office. grrr. i was there all day today. it was like having a job. annie's mom said we can all go live in maine if we go to war. isn't that sweet. maine in summer would be the fun. i was thinking it would suck to live here, and it would suck to live at home because of the faa center. yay for bomb targets.
oooh my blog is up again. how exciting. very nice time at ocean city and with the ponies. acquired a new friend, a pony baby of our very own. or something. ocean city is crazy. rather unnattractive except for the beach which was lovely and empty. we had a nice condo all to ourselves, free pizza, ponies, beautiful beaches, ponies, a little bit of hail and more ponies. what more could you ask for. i have to go or i shall be late. yay for vacation and oceans and no people. jeers to schoolwork not done and classes to go to.

March 10, 2003

Scarlet fever is apparently a product of strep throat, he's fine, the pharmacist at his job told him he had it. it's not like beth in little women, where she dies...he'll be just fine. smith is the root of all evil. the room helena placed me in is possibly the worst room on campus. the tile is the worst shade of brown which makes it look ten times as small, it's right next to the elavator which is really loud, and the bed is less comfortable than rocks. the egg crate helps a little, but the beach is calling. screw hood. ofcourse my car has to finish getting love first. new brakes, and all new belts. yay car, and YAY amy mas for carting me around to drop him off and pick him up. i know someone who's getting a driftwood trinket from the beach!!! hint hint hint. we learned how to play canasta last night and let's say it takes longer than ten minutes to learn. i have food for emily miller if she is ever here. she said our room was beautiful. what a kind soul. see you all in a week, much love!

March 05, 2003

my brother in law got scarlet fever. err. yikes.

March 02, 2003

what is up with my public service announcement blog. eat it anonymous commenters.

March 01, 2003

err. i don't really have any reason to suspect that i have diabetes. i am merely commenting on my lack of respect for my own health and i would in no way joke about a disease which half my family has or will get in the near future. it's something that many americans have without knowing it and this is why i am concerned. that is all.

February 28, 2003

my mother and my meme got me a graduation present today. antique sandwich glass dishes. a set of 8 dishes, bowls, small dishes, cups and saucers. actually only 6 cups. so we have to find two cups. and also my mother that light isn't supposed to come on every time you press the brakes. so err, i'm going to get my brakes checked. i have to call about a job. it's for a chiropractor. i could be a fabulous chiropracteress. or something. oooh, i have an interview. if i got a job it would mean i would need more break housing. we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

February 27, 2003

today...i went to meet my mom and family at their room and was ordered to bring them donuts. then we went antiqueing for hours. then i took them to nido's which they really liked and my mom and my meme got drunk. my mom practiced walking because she didn't want to embarrass me at the museum. haha. oh speaking of haha, my car is so small, and it makes a noise that i don't remember and the brakes don't really work. this is all very upsetting. and my mom totally trashed it. it's so dirty inside. grrrrrrrr. so job, paying off bills, new car. atleast this is the irrational/hormonal plan that i have now after driving my mothers nice car and realizing how much mine sucks.

February 26, 2003

err, they're not here yet. we wonder...
uhhh, they told me to go home. so i did. so i have like a thousand hours to make up now...but...oh well. we'll see what happens with my mom coming today. it's not that much snow...i mean hood didn't even cancel, but people here are stupid and there were lots of acidents this morning.

February 25, 2003

I got new tires...yay. but my meme has something wrong with her eye. so we'll see.
I thought someone knocked at my door at 8:30 but now i think it was just Ashley's highheels and my imagination. i've lost all reason and problem solving skills. sigh.
are peanut butter crackers too sugar based? i'm eating them anyway. mmm. i'm quite proud of myself...but i'm no way near done.

February 24, 2003

I'm convincing myself that I have diabetes. we're not sure. I must have no more sugar. none. stress or not. no sugar. none. none at all. ok. someone remind me...
I just wrote two really mean emails to the art company that sent us the wrong stuff. apparently you're supposed to request a special number for returns 5 days after original purchase. you haven't even received anything 5 days after purchase so how the hell are you supposed to know if you want to return it. the better business bureau must have something to say about that. I think i used my american express card. they're supposed to help you out with

February 21, 2003

i'm very grry at the art company because they sent us the wrong backordered items and there was no one there when i called. also, my phone card is almost entirely used up, and seeing that i've almost never used it, i'm really pissed. I never regretted giving without getting back, but damn do i feel used. I'm so full of rage right now. going to relax.